Making behavior change stick in the long term

Making behavior change stick in the long term

Katherine Milkman from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania responds to three questions about behavioral economics:

1) How can we make behavior change stick in the long term?
2) How can policymakers apply lessons from behavioral science?
3) In what policy areas can behavioral science have an impact?

Common misconceptions about behavioral economics

Common misconceptions about behavioral economics

Cass Sunstein from Harvard Law School responds to three questions about behavioral economics:

1) What are the biggest misconceptions about behavioral economics?
2) What are the biases affecting the work of development professionals?
3) How can governments in Latin America use behavioral economics?

Behavioral Economics: How Latin Americans can better plan for the future

Behavioral Economics: How Latin Americans can better plan for the future

How can behavioral psychology and economics improve the decisions we make in areas such as health, savings, and infrastructure investment?

IDB President Luis Alberto Moreno and Carlos Scartascini talk about how behavioral interventions can improve policy and citizen well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Conversation between Harvard University Professor Cass Sunstein and IDB's former President Luis Alberto Moreno

Conversation between Harvard University Professor Cass Sunstein and IDB's former President Luis Alberto Moreno

If you missed it, you can watch the recording of the webinar here (in English):

To find out more on how to leverage behavioral economics in the fight against Covid-19, download our publication

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